Jasmine Hormati intuitive eating dietitian new york

Everyone has a connection to food, and diet culture disrupts that. We let our fear of not being accepted because we don’t fit into the media’s definition of “beauty” or “healthy” take control of our eating and movement patterns. We look outward for rules to follow instead of tuning into what our needs and wants are.

I was once there too. When I first started to learn about nutrition, I let the food police take over. I thought if I could follow these external food rules, I would lose my ‘rice pooch’ (Iranians eat a lot of rice) and that I would feel more confident and beautiful. I was lucky to learn about intuitive eating early on in my education and realized how much I actually enjoy food. This approach to food and movement works for my lifestyle and aligns with my values.

I’m here to help people reconnect to their inner wisdom and develop relationships with food, movement, and their body that bring them joy. I use a client-centered approach that cultivates a collaborative partnership - no one knows you better than you. I will work with you to figure out where your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about food and your body came from so that we can evaluate if they still align with your values. I’m here to guide you on this journey to reclaim your self-worth using mindfulness and self-compassion.

Professional Bio

Jasmine Hormati, MS, RD, CIEC is a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor based in New York, New York. She specializes in disordered eating recovery and body image work for all ages, including family feeding, baby-led weaning, and the division of responsibility. She also integrates cooking and meal planning into the intuitive eating journey. Jasmine uses an intuitive eating and Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach to help her clients heal their relationship with food, their body, and reclaim their inherent worth.

In addition to her work with Alissa, she works at mendinground nutrition & yoga. Prior to joining Alissa and her team, Jasmine worked as a manager for Morrison Healthcare at Harbor-UCLA and consulted on various intuitive eating and HAES-aligned nutrition projects.

Jasmine earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Conservation and Resource Studies form University of California, Berkeley and her Master of Science in Nutrition and Public Health from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, yoga, cooking/baking, and playing board games.