Online Courses, Group Programs
and Virtual Nutrition Coaching and Counseling.
Heal your relationship to food and your
body, so you can stop dieting
and start living.

Here’s how you can
work with me:
Through our work you will go through the process of rewiring, reconnecting, and reclaiming, so you can get free and live your biggest, most beautiful life.
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Because there is nothing wrong with you or your body - there’s a problem with our culture.
I help you unpack and question everything society has taught you so that you can find your way back to your body, your inner wisdom, and yourself.
Because true freedom and liberation come from rejecting all of the “shoulds” and “supposed to’s” to find – and trust – who you really are deep inside.

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The Unapologetic Life
A twice-a-month round-up of inspirational stories, lessons, practical tips and encouragement for living your most authentic, unapologetic life.