The Resources

5-Step Guide to Getting Started with Intuitive Eating,
the Unapologetic Way
Learn how to reconnect with your body, incorporate the principles of intuitive eating, and get free from dieting, forever.
Available To Download Now
Free Guides and Resource Lists

Gentle Nutrition Mini-Cookbook
A mini-cookbook with 7 delicious recipes alongside prompts to help you reclaim the joy of cooking (and eating), unapologetically.

Body Positive Fitness Resources
A comprehensive list of exercise tips, apps, personal trainers, and online fitness classes that are not full of shame-y diet-talk

Introduction to Intuitive Eating
An overview of the intuitive eating framework including a breakdown of the 10 principles and tips on how to integrate intuitive eating into your day-to-day life.

My Favorite Anti-Diet Books
A comprehensive list of my favorite anti-diet, food freedom, body image, and body liberation books to help you learn and integrate the intuitive eating framework and the anti-diet approach.

The Truth About Health & Weight Science
Why are we so focused on weight loss? It’s not for the health, well-being, or self-confidence reasons that you may think.

How to Respond to Diet Talk
Examples of suggestions on how you can respond to diet, food, weight, and body comments or discussions in your day-to-day life.

Some of My Favorite
Books For Food & Body Liberation
To help you learn more about intuitive eating, body liberation, and the anti-diet approach.
For more recommendations, check out a full list of my favorite books.

Some of My Favorite
Instagram Accounts
Following social media accounts that feature a diverse range of body shapes and sizes will help you begin to widen the definition of what a “normal” body is. The more you see images of people that feature fat bodies, hairy bodies, saggy bodies, bodies with stretch marks and acne, belly rolls and cellulite, the more you begin to realize that all this is normal. We are all normal.
Make a conscious effort to add these images of reality by including better representation in any media you are consuming. Below is a selection of my favorite food and body liberation-related Instagram accounts. You can check out a full list of my favorite instagram accounts.
- Anna Sweeney: @dietitiananna
- Brianna Campos: @bodyimagewithbri
- Christyna Johnson: @encouragingdietitian
- Dalina Soto: @your.latina.nutritionist
- Ivy Felicia: @iamivyfelicia
- Laura Burns & Julie Duffy Dillon: @pcosbodyliberation
- Kimmie Singh: @bodyhonornutrition
- Lauren Leavell: @laurenleavellfitness
- Lindley Ashline: @bodyliberationwithlindley
- Meg Boggs: @meg.boggs
- Nicola Salmon: @fatpositivefertility
- Patrilie H.: @the_bodylib_advocate
- Rachael Hartley: @rachaelhartleyrd
- Sam Dylan Finch: @samdylanfinch
- Shira Rose: @theshirarose
- Sonya Renee Taylor: @sonyareneetaylor
- Tiffany Ima: @tiffanyima
- Vinny Welsby: @fierce.fatty
- Virgie Tovar: @virgietovar
- Aubrey Gordon: @yrfatfriend