Our Favorite Body Positive Instagram Accounts

One of the easiest things we can do for ourselves to change our perception of our bodies and be kinder to ourselves is to revamp who you are following on social media. Here’s why changing who you follow on social media will help you improve your body image followed by a list of some of our favorite body positive instagram accounts.
An important step in working towards body acceptance is to diversify the accounts you follow on social media. This way, instead of being bombarded with people who all look a certain way and/or make you feel bad about yourself, you are instead exposed to a range of body sizes, shapes, colors, abilities, and genders. Doing this will help reconstruct your perception of beauty and body size, and move away from the unrealistic body image social media has defined as “normal”.
In my How to Improve Your Body Image blog post, I suggest two simple steps to shift our perception and improve body image. The first step is a social media cleanout (if you haven’t done this yet, I recommend going back and doing so – check out the full blog post with instructions here); the second step is to follow more body positive Instagram accounts.
Below is a list of suggested body positive Instagram accounts. I’ve done my best to exclude anyone who promotes diets, intentional weight loss or any other extreme behavior but if I’ve overlooked something please let me know. Or, if there is someone you love who you don’t see on this list, please share with me in the comments below and I will include them on the list.
- @Evelyntribole
- @aaronfloresrdn
- @encouragingdietitian
- @badashtherapy
- @bodyimage_therapist
- @dietitiananna
- @amee_rd
- @feelgoodeating
- @thethicknutritionist
- @theintuitive_rd
- @mollybcounseling
- @anirdn
- @lisajdubreuil
- @haescoach
- @thewellful
- @body_peace_liberation
- @bodypositiveyoga
- @fatbodypeace
- @fionawiller
- @kaley_rd
- @beauty_redefined
- @rachaelhartleyrd
- @laurathomasphd
- @themindfuldietitian
- @hgoodrichrd
- @streetsmart.rd
- @karalydonrd
- @marcird
- @jessihaggertyrd
- @intuitiveeatingrd
- @emilyfonnesbeck_rd
- @chr1styharrison
- @rebeccascritchfield
- @bodyimagewithbri
- @heytiffanyroe
- @bravespacenutrition
- @your.latina.nutritionist
Fitness Professionals
- @mynameisjessamyn
- @bodypositiveyoga
- @bodypositivefitness
- @mindfully.active
- @bodypositivehf
- @curvyyoga
- @deadlifts_and_redlips
- @diannebondyyogaofficial
- @300poundsandrunning
- @decolonizingfitness
- @positiveforcemovement
- @amberkarnesofficial
- @the.intuitive.trainer
- @fatgirlshiking
- @louisegreen_bigfitgirl
- @bloomfittraining
- @practicewithdana
- @thephitcoach
- @emmafitnessphd
- @letsjoyn
- @curveswithmoves
- @asap.yogi
- @jessicajadeyoga
- @ceceolisa
- @themirnavator
- @sarahsapora
- @curvygirlmeetsyoga
- @sweatinmascara
- @bloomfittraining
- @kanoagreene
- @LaurenLeavellfitness
- @iamlshauntay
- @kellykkroberts
- @fitragamuffin
- @tallyrye
- @carolynviggh
- @barbellblondie
- @babebody
Activists & Educators
- @Madeonagenerousplan
- @Sundaymorningview
- @Historicalfatpeople
- @sassy_latte
- @Bodyimagemovement
- @iamdaniadriana
- @jamesissmiling
- @resilientfatgoddex
- @shooglet
- @yrfatfriend
- @iamivyfelicia
- @fierce.fatty
- @fatpositivefertility
- @plusmommy
- @themilitantbaker
- @crutches_and_spice
- @sonyareneetaylor
- @comfyfattravels
- @meghantonjes
- @nalgonapositivitypride
- @ihartericka
- @betteringbecca
- @shesallfatpod
- @shanboody
- @fyeahmfabello
- @fatgirlflow
- @iamchrissyking
- @vivanlascurvas
- @DanaSuchow
- @bodypositivememes
- @chubstr
- @i_weigh
- @mskelseymiller
- @fatwomenofcolor
- @iamivyfelicia
- @moemotivate
Other Accounts I Love
- @Mommyinheels
- @Noelledowning
- @Ellanabryan
- @Colormecourtney
- @meganjaynecrabbe
- @Anabeth.jpg
- @Katiesturino
- @sassyredlipstick
- @lolo_russell
- @sell_eat_love
- @gabifresh
- @chanteburkett
- @iskra
- @calliethorpe
- @glitterandlazers
- @thickleeyonce
- @lordtroy
- @CaralynMirand
- @Huntermcgrady
- @michaelamcgrady
- @ashleygraham
- @zachmiko
- @taralynn
- @tessholiday
- @kelvindavis
For body positivity books, websites and podcasts, check out my resources page.
For more inspiration check out this post.
Who have I missed? Share your favorite body-positive Instagram accounts below!
Are you struggling with your body image?
We work with clients virtually throughout the US, helping people who are frustrated with dieting and struggling with their body image. It is possible to change your relationship with food and your body, and say goodbye to diets once and for all. Learn more about our intuitive eating nutrition coaching programs.
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Alissa Rumsey, RD.
Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS (pronouns she/her/hers) is a registered
dietitian, nutrition therapist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and the author of
Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. Alissa is
passionate about helping people reclaim the space to eat and live,

A twice-a-month round-up of inspirational stories, lessons, practical tips and encouragement for living your most authentic, unapologetic life.
The Unapologetic Life

The Unapologetic Life
A twice-a-month round-up of inspirational stories, lessons, practical tips and encouragement for living your most authentic, unapologetic life.