Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics: “We are dietetic practitioners, and RDs-to-be, ready for a shift. We’re ready for weight-inclusive care to be the norm, not the exception." WIND brings the weight inclusive community together and provides education, encourages engagement, and fosters connections. WIND also supports movements such as Health at Every Size® and the non-diet approach to nutrition. Check out their webinars and upcoming events.
Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders 3.0: Whether you are new to the field or looking to deepen your counseling skills, this online training will improve your clinical practice. Even if you think you don't work with eating disorders, given the high prevalence rate - you likely already are. Taught by Marci Evans.
Body Image Online Training for Clinicians: If you are looking to enhance your nutrition counseling skills and confidence when working with eating disorders, chronic dieting, and any condition which impacts how someone feels about their body - this training is for you. This is one of the best trainings I've ever attended - years later, I still use what I learned in client sessions on a regular basis. Taught by Marci Evans and Fiona Sutherland.
Become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor: This is the certification program/process that I went through to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.
Become an Intuitive Eating PRO—Skills Development: A 6-week, virtual training series in an interactive small group format led by Evelyn Tribole. If you decide to pursue the certification, this is one of the required components that you must complete.
Trauma-Informed Dietetic Care Training: Learn how to understand the nervous system to better help your clients. Another one of the most important trainings I've ever taken - completely life-changing both for myself and for my clients. A must for every provider. Taught by Fiona Sutherland and Tracy Brown.
ACT for Dietitians - Bring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Into Your Practice: Improve your counseling and behavior change skills, with the integration of ACT. This course brings together 3 experts from the perspectives of psychology, nutrition counseling, and eating disorders to teach dietitians how, when and why you can infuse and use ACT in your work with clients.
Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) for Nutrition Professionals: IFS is an evidence-based therapeutic technique that can be helpful in the treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating. This is a really helpful introductory course to learn more about IFS, including how dietitians can integrate the IFS model concepts with clients with disordered eating. Taught by Molly Kellogg.
Digestive Disorders & Eating Disorders: A Complicated Mix, Training for Clinicians: “Complicated digestive issues plague our clients with eating disorders. Consequently, we as clinicians grapple with how best to help them deal with their complex array of painful and debilitating symptoms." Taught by Marci Evans and Lauren Adler Dear.
Eating Disorder Registered Dietitians & Professionals (EDRD Pro): A monthly membership that provides high-quality webinars, case studies, and supervision sessions on a variety of topics related to eating disorders, disordered eating, body image, counseling skills, and so much more.
INSPIRD to Seek Community Mentorship: A monthly membership that offers peer-group mentorship, training workshops, and conversations centered on personal & professional growth.
Free Weight Inclusive Practitioner Facebook Groups: #INSPIRDtoSEEK, The Mindful Dietitian, WIND