Do you want to start or grow your nutrition business?

I’m passionate about helping dietitians and clinicians confidently start, grow and scale their businesses through individual coaching, group programs, and courses.

I can support you in building a sustainable business that aligns with your values, your strengths, what you want out of life, and the change you want to see in the world.

NEW: Download My Free Workshop

Are you ready to transform your passion for nutrition into a thriving private practice? If you want to start a business, but aren't sure where to start, you're in the right place!

Join me for a dynamic 1-hour workshop that will equip you with the essential steps to successfully start and set up your nutrition private practice.

Whether you're just starting, or looking to refine your business model, this workshop is designed to give you a clear roadmap to success. Learn how to start a nutrition private practice of your dreams!

Your registration includes a step-by-step business checklist and access to the recorded workshop.

Coming Fall 2024...

Insurance Credentialing & Billing Course

For Registered Dietitians

A self-paced, affordable course that walks you step-by-step through the insurance credentialing and billing process so you can accept insurance in your practice.
Alissa Rumsey dietitian business coach (1)

About Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS

Hi! I'm Alissa Rumsey (she/her), a registered dietitian, nutrition therapist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and the author of Unapologetic Eating. I'm also a business coach and clinical supervisor for other dietitians and clinicians.

I've been a dietitian for over 14 years, and a business owner for the past eight. I am passionate about supporting dietitians and clinicians so that you can confidently start and grow your business, and deepen your counseling skills, while also taking care of yourself.

I started working as a business coach for dietitians and clinicians in 2017 when I founded the Dietitian Entrepreneur Mastermind Retreat, a three-day in-person workshop designed to help nutrition professionals start and grow their businesses. From 2017 to 2020, I hosted over a dozen of these Retreats in New York City, attended by clinicians worldwide.

When the pandemic struck, I took portions of the Retreat online and created the Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course, an online training program that teaches clinicians how to set up and launch their nutrition business.

I also am the founder and lead facilitator of The Liberated Clinician, a group coaching experience for clinicians who want to build a weight-inclusive business from a justice-informed lens, and deepen their counseling skills, while prioritizing taking care of themselves, so that they can confidently show up for their clients.

I love to work with other health professionals so that we can challenge the 'status quo' in nutrition care and in business. Let's reframe what is possible as clinicians – and do it together.

Get Started with

my free resources:

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Get clear on your niche and
ideal client

Honing in on your ideal client helps you create products and services that are needed, write better copy and focus your time and energy when it comes to marketing. This worksheet walks you through a variety of prompts to help you get super clear on your ideal client.

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Grab my free discovery call Template

This template walks you through exactly how I structure my complimentary client discovery call including specific questions to ask and language around how to invite the potential client into your practice at the end in a way that feels natural and authentic. 

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Use my initial nutrition assessment form

I use this assessment form during my first session with a client. It's been developed over years of client work. You'll get an editable version to download and use right away. Note: this form was developed with weight-inclusive clinicians in mind and can be modified as needed. 

Start Your Nutrition Business with my

Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course

Build The Business You’ve Been Dreaming Of

My online, self-paced Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course walks you through the exact foundational steps you need to take to set up and confidently launch your business.
how to build a nutrition business

I've been working with dietitian entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs for years. A consistent theme: feeling overwhelmed, lost, stuck, and wanting to know how to "do it right". I want to help shorten your learning curve and increase your confidence so that you can start your business now. I created this Foundation Course so that you can take immediate action in setting up and launching your own business.

What You Get When You Enroll:
8 modules that walk you through the exact steps to get your business off the ground. Designed to increase your knowledge and confidence.
8 workbooks with over 40 worksheets to help you brainstorm, plan and take actionable steps.
Over 25 templates, infosheets, and practical resources, editable and ready for you to use right away.
35.75 CEU's available for Registered Dietitians (including 1 CEU Ethics Credit) from the CDR.

Enroll now

One-Time Payment of $347

Payment Plan: $87/mo x 4 months

Extended Payment Plans & Equity Pricing Options are available. 

If a different payment plan option would work better for you, please email and we would be happy to set that up for you.

In the spirit of creating economic justice, we offer equity pricing for people from marginalized communities and those experiencing financial hardship. Please email if you would like equity pricing (no questions asked). 

Here's what the

Foundation Course covers:

Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - Business Foundations
Module 1: Business Foundations

Topics covered include:

  • Developing your mission and vision for your business.
  • Getting clear on your "why" and uncovering your core values.
  • Niching down - getting clear on your ideal client (and how to think about this differently).
  • Completing market research
  • Stages of business - are you working on the "right" things for where you are in your business?
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - Time management skills and goal setting
Module 2: Goal Setting, Time Management, and Confidence

Topics covered include:

  • Goal setting: how to set short and long-term business goals.
  • Time management tips and making time when you're building a business on the side.
  • Protecting your energy and setting boundaries.
  • How to build confidence in your practice and business skills.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - how to set up your business
Module 3: Setting Up Your Business

Topics covered include:

  • Choosing a business structure.
  • Naming and registering your business.
  • Liability insurance, and getting EIN and NPI numbers.
  • Business banking and accepting payments.
  • Choosing a client management system and recording-keeping tools.
  • Creating a business plan.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - how to build a virtual nutrition business
Module 4: Building a Virtual Business

Topics covered include:

  • Deciding what virtual services to offer (pros/cons).
  • How to legally practice telehealth services across state lines in the U.S.
  • Newly updated information on state licensure laws.
  • Tips to effectively provide counseling via virtual/telehealth systems.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - crafting your nutrition offer and setting rates
Module 5: Crafting Your Offer & Setting Rates

Topics covered include:

  • How to decide what services to offer.
  • Individual sessions vs. packages: pros and cons.
  • Creating group programs and courses.
  • How to confidently set your rates and fees.
  • Making your services accessible.
  • How to confidently sell your nutrition services.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - creating your brand
Module 6: Create An Effect Brand & Brand Voice

Topics covered include:

  • Intro to branding and why it's so important.
  • Choosing branding identifiers: colors, fonts, logos, photos, and more.
  • 5-step Brand Creation Process.
  • Developing a clear, consistent brand message and voice.
  • Branding dos and don'ts
  • The rebranding process.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - website building and SEO
Module 7: Website Building Tools, Strategies & SEO

Topics covered include:

  • How to get started with website building.
  • Picking a platform and purchasing a domain name.
  • Estimated website expenses.
  • Website must-haves
  • How to write website copy for your homepage.
  • Intro to SEO: use your website to get clients.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - getting started with marketing your business
Module 8: Getting Started with Marketing

Topics covered include:

  • How to find and get your first clients.
  • Overview of marketing tactics and strategies.
  • How to choose the best marketing strategy for your business.
  • Showing up online and creating content that resonates.
  • Using your network and building referral relationships.
Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course - bonus materials


  • Getting started with insurance credentialing and billing.
  • Access to a Google Drive Folder full of ready-to-use templates: discovery calls, client intake forms, cancellation policies, and more.
  • HIPAA compliance resources.
  • Recommend branding tools and web designers.
  • ...and more!
You’ll have access to the course material for two full years from the time you purchase it, including any course updates that are made during that time.

The course is self-paced, so you can go through the material as quickly or as slowly as you need to.

While it varies person-to-person, generally each module takes between two and four hours to complete, including watching the video presentations and completing the workbooks. 

Enroll now

One Payment of $347

Payment Plan: $87/month x 4 months

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AR - Testimonials_Tiffany O

"I enrolled in the Foundation Course because I was beginning my private practice and didn't know where to start or what to do. The Foundation Course took me step by step through everything I needed in order to start my business! The course provided all forms I needed so that I had a clear direction to go when new clients signed up. As I implemented what I learned in the Foundation Course, I got 4 new clients within my first 3 months! I would recommend this to any new dietitians looking to build their dream career in private practice, especially those who just came out of the internship with no clear guidance."

Tiffany Ong, RDN, CDN

Founder, Tiffany Ong Nutrition
AR - Testimonials_Sherri P

"When I signed up for the Foundation Course, I had a few pieces in place but needed more direction in starting my own business. The course provided a structured path to follow to start a business. I liked that all the modules were broken up into small, manageable chuncks so I could go through and make plans for my own business as I was doing each section. The modules on marketing and pricing were so helpful - I was able to figure out exactly who my avatar was and I have a much clearer direction to improve my website.

All the forms and resources Alissa provided were really useful as well and I’ve been referring back to the notes and information provided throughout the past year to keep me on track. I recommend this to any dietitian who wants to start their own business."

- Sherri Pearson, MS, RD, LN.

Founder, Wellness Reimagined
AR - Testimonials_Andrea K

"I have been in private practice for 10 years. I stumbled into it immediately after my internship while also working other RD jobs (one in clinical nutrition and another in wellness).  Due to my lack of focus I made all the mistakes.  In 2020 I found myself completely overwhelmed.  I have 4 small children under the age of 7.  I had heard Alissa speak at FNCE - she was encouraging private practice owners to niche. I hated the idea and ignored it for several years. 

I took this course to step back from my business, finally establish my niche, rebrand, and make my practice something that is sustainable for me and my family.  So I can help my ideal client while not pulling precious time from my family.  I am taking this next 6 months to slowly implement what Alissa taught.  I may not be the typical attendee that Alissa thought when creating this course but I found this course extremely beneficial and I am excited for the future of my practice."

- Andrea Kendrick, RD, LDN, CLT.

Owner of Andrea Kendrick, RD, LLC and Associates.
AR - Testimonials_Califia

"Don't hesitate - sign up for this course the moment you are even considering starting a business. I waited months and wasted many, many hours trying to find information and figure things out on my own. But you don't need to do that because  Alissa has done all of that for you! She is extremely clear in her explanations and I felt like I could follow along, even when the concepts were totally new to me.

This took my business in a radically new direction, and I feel optimistic and positive instead of stressed and scared. I feel so much more confident about how to move forward by leaning into my strengths and interest. Cannot recommend this enough!" 

- Califia


Get Hands on support with your business

1:1 Business Coaching with Alissa

Individual Business Coaching

If you're a weight-inclusive (or weight-inclusive-curious) practioner, and are looking to start, build, or grow your practice - I would love to help!
Alissa Rumsey dietitian business coaching

The coaching sessions are all individual and based upon you and your goals. 

Depending on what you need support around, I can help with everything from big picture visioning down to the nitty-gritty day-to-day work.

I also serve as mentor and support for you - entrepreneurship is HARD and can be lonely, so whether you need help with the specifics, encouragement to keep on going, or a listening ear to work through your own "stuff" - I am here.

Areas of practice that I specialize in helping people with:

  • Setting up a virtual private practice
  • Building an online course or group program
  • Honing in on your niche/ideal client
  • Pricing your services or increasing your prices
  • Social media and online marketing (that doesn't feel icky)
  • How to connect and work with brands
  • Blogging and writing
  • Mindset work (that isn't gas-lighty)
  • Weight-inclusive nutrition counseling and intuitive eating
  • and more!
Business Coaching Package Options:

45-minute sessions are available in packs of 3, 6, or 12: 


3-pack of Sessions - $599 ($200/session)

6-pack of Sessions - $999 ($167/session)

12-pack of Sessions - $1799 ($149/session)

Payment plans are available for all packages.
If you need an alternative payment plan arrangement, please email

If you'd like to chat with us more before purchasing, please schedule a free discovery call

If you're an existing business coaching client, please click here to book more sessions.

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What other entrepreneurs are saying:

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"I've been a RD for a while, and in private practice for a few years, but was lacking direction and focus in terms of who I really wanted to be working with and how. Alissa helped me identify what was holding me back and how to move through that.

She gave me personally tailored recommendations and resources and a sense of direction I haven't received from working with anyone else. Most importantly, she is so easy to talk to and she listens! She really takes the time to understand where you're hung up and doesn't make you feel bad about it at all. I would highly recommend Alissa's business coaching to people who need help in any aspect of their business."

- Alexis Penney, MS, RD, LDN

Founder, Lexy Penney Nutrition and Wellness
AR - Testimonials_Anna Jones

"I felt like I needed input on fine-tuning the processes around my business to allow me to better utilize my time. After reading Alissa's book, Unapologetic Eating, I got a sense that as an experienced practitioner and someone who shared my philosophy, she could help me.

She listened and talked through the challenges and issues I was having and gave me specific solutions to help me through them in a non-judgmental way. Working with Alissa has given me more confidence in doing the work I want to do with clients. My business is booming and I feel more confident than ever that the message I have to share with people is worthwhile and life- changing."

- Anna Jones, MS, RD, LD

Owner of Anna Jones, RD
AR - Testimonials_Lexi Moriarty

"I really enjoyed working with Alissa for business coaching. I was feeling lost with where I was at in growing my practice and needed direction. Alissa was able to answer my questions and provide guidance on all of the areas I had questions about.

With Alissa's help, I was able to find the direction I was looking for to spring my practice forward and she even helped me save money by helping me streamline my business tools. I liked that our calls were tailored to my specific questions and where I was at in my business. I would recommend working with Alissa because she is knowledgeable and experienced." 

- Lexi Moriarty, MS, RD, CSSD

Founder, Expert Nutrition & Wellness
AR - Testimonials_Rachel Helfferich

"Launching a business for the first time can feel overwhelming, and I trusted that Alissa's support would make a big difference for simplifying the process. The coaching calls helped me by identifying the roadmap that I needed to take to build a successful business launch. Alissa helped me with logistics, like setting up an LLC, identifying my ideal client, marketing my services, and optimizing my website.

During my work with Alissa, I saved so much time, got clarity in business goals, and increased my belief in myself to actually launch. One thing I liked most about the coaching was that Alissa freely gives her knowledge and time to support other dietitians. It's not like she's keeping the best secrets to herself. She is so upfront in sharing information that will help lift up other dietitians! I found the experience rewarding, uplifting, and encouraging. I would recommend this business coaching to people who need support and accountability in launching or growing a business."

- Rachel Helfferich, RDN

Founder, Everglow Nutrition
AR - Testimonials_Califia

"Before working with Alissa, I didn't know where to start or how to speak to my ideal client. I thought there were too many RD's already doing what I wanted to do and my confidence was low. Alissa helped me adopt an abundance mindset and I realized that there is more than enough space for all of us to succeed.

She helped me get past some of my mental blocks about charging what I'm worth, which allowed me to focus on the transformation I was offering to others. Through our sessions, I gained a clear understanding of how to market my services in a way that felt authentic to me. I felt supported and it was encouraging to speak with someone who had been through this process before and was successful."

- Erica, MS, RDN

Owner, Listen Nutrition, LLC

Join my group business coaching program

The Liberated Clinician

Weight-Inclusive Group Business Coaching

Part Business Coaching. Part Supervision. Part Mastermind. Part Mentorship.
All done in the collective, together.
The liberated clinician header

Create a business you're passionate about, generate a sustainable income, all while staying true to your values and avoiding burnout.

Let's reframe what is possible as dietitians, clinicians, and entrepreneurs.

The next cohort starts in Fall 2024.

Nutrition Entrepreneur Starter Pack

The Nutrition Entrepreneur Starter Kit includes downloadable, editable essentials for starting, developing and growing a nutrition business.
  • Client intake forms
  • Cancellation and payment policy examples
  • Superbill templates
  • Expense tracking spreadsheet
  • Sample consulting contracts
  • HIPAA documentation forms
  • and more!
Mockup 02 V2

The Nutrition Entrepreneur Starter Kit includes a Google Drive folder full of done-for-you templates, client forms, contracts, etc. – all available for you to download, edit, and use.

Simply add your logo and contact information and they are ready to use for your business. You will receive templates, worksheets, spreadsheets, sample contracts, client forms, online resources, and more.

My Most Popular Workshops

Choose from a variety of 60 to 75-minute workshops - all approved for CEUs!
  •  How to Set Your Rates & Make Your Services Accessible (Without Burning Out)
  • How to Create a Marketing Strategy for Your Nutrition Business 
  • How To Build Confidence In Your Practice & Challenge Imposter Feelings
  • How to Improve Your Client Retention & Counseling Skills *FREE*
what to charge for nutrition services
EJ - Testimonials

"Before taking the Dietitian Entrepreneur Foundation Course, I had no idea where or how to start a private practice. I knew I needed the foundational pieces before I took a deep dive into entrepreneurship. I purchased other programs, but they weren't specifically geared towards RD's. I needed someone in the same profession who understands the in's and out's of marketing techniques, ideal client, website startup, client engagement, productivity tips, and more. Not to mention, it's so AFFORDABLE!

I would highly recommend this course to fellow RD's who wants to start or are stuck with their business goals. It was user friendly, easily accessible, and self-paced with action steps for each module to keep you engaged and motivated to press forward. This course took away the fear and 'imposter syndrome' and gave me the confidence to start my brand!"

- Emma Johnson, MS, RDN, LDN

Owner of Emma Johnson Nutritionist LLC
AR - Testimonials_Califia

"I was starting my nutrition coaching business and didn't know where to begin. This course gave me tons of information to work with. I learned a lot about the back-end of running a business, like SEO and HIPAA compliance. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to start a business but doesn't know where to begin. It helped me get going and I can grow from here."

- Emily Zorn, MS, RD

Owner of Emily RD Nutrition Coaching
Testimonial photos - Kaitlyn Pscodna

Even though I had an established private practice, I signed up for the Foundations course because I felt that it needed a reboot.  There were so many things that I learned that I wish I would've known when I first started my business, and many other things that I have implemented since taking the course.  I wanted to learn from someone who has had their own success. Alissa is a wonderful presenter and makes all of the information easy to digest. The course helped me choose the best strategies to market myself productively while still being organic, which will help me generate more referrals and grow my business. I recommend this course to all dietitians and entrepreneurs.

- Kaitlyn Pscodna, RDN, LDN

Owner of Kaitlyn Pscodna, LLC, Minneapolis, MN
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I was brand new to private practice and I wanted to have a structured roadmap designed by someone who has been through it and knows what we need. The Foundation Course was the jumpstart I needed to select a niche, craft my service and digital product(s), price my services, and register my business. The course provided a generous number of resources, and podcasts and articles that were exactly what new dietitians who don't have a business mindset or experience need. 

- Rivera, MS, RDN, CDN

New York, NY

Recommended Resources

& Tools

This page contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase a product using my affiliate link, I will receive a small commission or bonus. This will in no way impact the price you pay (in some cases you too will earn money! If so, it is noted below). Affiliate links on this page are denoted with an asterisk (*). Thank you for your support!
Proud Partner of Simple Practice EHR Platform

SimplePractice is a practice management platform (EHR or Electronic Health Record) specifically built for dietitians.

It streamlines client scheduling, intake, charting, messaging, billing process (including insurance claim filing) and telehealth/video appointments all in one HIPAA compliant and easy-to-use portal.

Click the link below to get a special offer – 3 months for the price of 1!

You get a 30-day free trial then, if you decide to upgrade to the paid option, you’ll get 1 additional month free.